(Kansas City, MO) Knetic Group, a local marketing group announced plans to roll out nationally the first on-line auction site specifically designed for the not-for-profit sector.
A custom designed web site complimenting their present design with full administration rights is seamlessly integrated into the organizations own web site. Bidders for the on-line auction will have 24/7 access to the site bidding upon items of their interest. An automatic maximum bid option is available as well as an “out bid” notification to ensure bidders are aware of their current bidding status.
Jack Bonar, President of Knetic Group, an executive marketer and local philanthropist stated “there is nothing on the market presently fulfilling this fundraising niche’ at any level and the response has been overwhelming”.
Jason Reskin, a local software designer leading the design team has mastered a user friendly application both on the administrative side as well as the consumer.
The custom designed web site is offered at no charge to any not-for-profit organization with a small percent administration fee charged upon the auction completion. The organization simply provides a web tab on their site linking them to the on-line auction site and items placed up for bid. There is no limit to the number of items that may be offered coinciding with the unlimited income potential to be generated by the auction.
The auction site may be used as a one- time fund raising application, an annual fund raiser, or to jump start a silent auction leading up to a major event. This is one fund raising application that may clearly be measured in “dollars and sense”.